Vision, Mission & Values

This vision and the principles of character formation give Jesuit institutions a specific character and set before their staff and students the sense of the divine, the ideals of humanism and service towards which they are invited continually to strive.

Campion School, therefore, aims at the integral formation of each student.

  • The fullest possible development of all of the God-given talents which are to be put to use for the good of the human community;
  • Sound intellectual formation with growing ability to reason reflectively, logically and
  • Development of the imaginative, the affective, and the creative dimension of each student who can appreciate literature, aesthetics, music and the fine
  • development of communication
  • Physical development through sports and physical
  • Formation in values and development of attitudes of respect love and service transcending race, culture and
  • Development of reverence for the divine, and for creation;
  • Development of sense of self-worth (realistic knowledge, love and acceptance of self) and a responsible individual within the human community;
  • Development of an ability to critically assess the reality, the value and the social trends of the contemporary world and honestly confront the social injustices of racism, sexism, and religious intolerance, violation of human rights and the problems of the socially
  • Development of sense of social justice and dignity of



  • To accomplish this, it endeavours to create a school climate which generates a love for learning, habit of critical thought and accurate expression, and strength of character and moral values needs for a life that is socially meaningful. To this end special efforts are made:
  • To help students acquire sound judgement, spiritual orientation, and an integrated character;
  • To encourage them continually to strive for excellence in every field;
  • To be clear and firm on principles, courageous and resolute in action;
  • To value and judiciously use their freedom;
  • To overcome selfishness and lack of concern for others and commit themselves in the service of their fellow-men and become agents of progressive social change;
  • To instil in them a true national spirit, a deep love for the motherland, an appreciation of Indian culture, values, language, and things Indian, and a keen civic and social